🎯Create Small UTXOs

How to create small UTXOs on OpenStamp.io

Small UTXO Design Philosophy

🏹Small UTXO

How to create small UTXO?

Go to the small UTXO generation tool at https://openstamp.io/tools

You can view your BTC balance along with the quantity of your confirmed and total small UTXOs through 'Small UTXO Quantity'(e.g 9 small utxos and 8 of them were confirmed).

If you need to generate additional small UTXOs, simply enter the desired number into the β€˜New UTXO Quantity’ field, leave the β€˜Each UTXO Amount’ and β€˜Fee Rate’ values at their default settings, then click submit. This will initiate a transaction to create multiple small UTXOs.

Once the transaction is confirmed, you will be able to utilize the newly created small UTXOs to create sell orders.

If you want to list N orders at the same time, you are gonna need N small confirmed UTXOs. The consumed small UTXOs will be recreated and sent to you once order fulfilled and you can reuse the new small UTXOs to list orders.

WARNING Please do not mix the stamp assets with addresses used for other BTC protocols, as it may result in the loss of other assets.

Last updated